Information to include in your professional supervision agenda for client-related discussions

Professional supervision for occupational therapists satisfies a holistic range of functions. While client-related discussions aren’t the only focus of professional supervision, they constitute an important part of professional supervision sessions.

Providing your professional supervisor with relevant contextual information about clients enables a respectful, strengths-based, safe, effective and empathetic therapeutic approach. It helps to enhance the quality of occupational therapy involvement, leading to improved outcomes for clients.

In this video, Kimmy shares an easy-to-implement structure for organising information about intended client-related discussions, which can be provided to your professional supervisor in your supervision agenda.

(Because professional supervision satisfies a holistic range of functions, it's helpful to anticipate that skilled and effective supervisors may lead you in a discussion that extends beyond what you've noted in your agenda. They may do this to optimise your clinical development and the embodiment of your role as an OT.)


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